Do you know the science behind tattoos?

Tattoos have been part of society since time immemorial. Specifically, the oldest decorative marks on the skin found on human remains date back to 6000 BC, in Peru.

“Over time, the technique has been perfected until today, where there are different possibilities for anyone who wants to get a tattoo, such as a wide variety of styles, sizes and colors.“

However, after so many years of knowing about the existence of tattoos, there are still some questions we do not know about them. For example, have you ever wondered how it is possible for the ink to remain on the skin for so many years? As neuroscientist Claudia Aguirre explains in a TED talk, the answer to this question has a scientific basis and, unlike what many people believe, it is not due to the depth of the ink.

The epidermis is the outer layer of the skin and, for a tattoo to be permanent, the ink must reach the dermis, which is the inner layer of the skin. Each time the needle penetrates the skin, it causes a wound that alerts the immune system to initiate an inflammatory process. In this way, cells from the immune system are sent to the area in question and thus respond to the substance that is invading the body, the dye.

These cells are called macrophages and what they do is ingest the ink in an attempt to clear the inflammation. However, the macrophages cannot absorb all of it, so the remaining ink is absorbed by skin cells called fibroblasts. Most of the fibroblasts and macrophages are suspended in the dermis where they are permanently blocked. Thus, the ink from both cells remains visible, making the tattoo permanent.

This is why tattoos when in direct contact with our body, require special care so that there is no risk of infection.

A much more respectful alternative for the body is a vegan tattoo. These, being composed of plant-based ingredients, are a less aggressive option for the body than traditional tattoos.

In addition, vegan tattoos offer a number of benefits that your body will appreciate.

On the one hand, vegan inks are much better assimilated by the body than most traditional inks because they are hypoallergenic. Thus, they produce fewer allergies and problems during tattoo healing.

On the other hand, there are many brands of high-quality totally vegan inks that do not lose intensity over time, offering excellent results.

Finally, the aesthetic quality of the vegan tattoo is identical to the traditional one, so there is no need to worry about the result. If you want to know more, do not hesitate to book a free consultation at any of our centers.


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